ASCOM Flat PANEL - work in progress!!!!

My latest ASCOM DIY project is a Flat Panel which can be controlled via ASCOM (e.g. by N.I.N.A).
This solution will have to functions:

  1. The ability to switch the Panel ON and OFF via ASCOM.

  2. The ability to dim the Panel via ASCOM.

  3. If implemented, the ability to command the panel to flip in front of the telescope (via a Servo).

The logic is based on similar electrical components as used by my ASCOM Dew Monitor.

The design is based on the ThingiVerse Flat Panel solution by Dale Hollenbaugh. The design can be found here.

The casing for the electronics is a Hammond Box partnr: 1593KALBK

The electronics is a simple design based around Seeeduino XIAO with some simple electronics.
Here is the electronics diagram:

You can use a servo to make flip infront of you telescope. But if you do decide to use a servo:

  1. You need to design the flip component for your flat panel yourself as I have not done this.

  2. You need to purchase a servo capable of a 270 degree rotation. Something like this one.

The Arduino code is complete, but the ASCOM driver is still under construction!!!